Beef Rice Bowl. That's when this Korean beef bowl comes in. It's seriously one of the easiest recipes I have ever made. We're talking delicious, quick, easy, and budget-friendly dinner!
Gyudon (牛丼) or Beef Bowl is a popular quick meal in Japan.
It consists of a bowl of steamed rice topped with thinly sliced beef and tender onion, simmered in a sweet and savory dashi broth.
Last week was "Sneak zucchini on your How to make Korean Beef Rice Bowl.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Beef Rice Bowl hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Beef Rice Bowl!
Bahan-bahan Beef Rice Bowl
- Diperlukan of daging diiris tipis.
- Gunakan of bawang bombay iris.
- Siapkan of bawang putih cincang.
- Dibutuhkan of air.
- Siapkan of Garam, gula pasir, merica.
- Diperlukan of Minyak goreng.
- Gunakan of Bumbu marinasi:.
- Sediakan of jahe , geprek saja.
- Sediakan of saus tiram.
- Dibutuhkan of minyak wijen.
- Dibutuhkan of kecap manis.
- Siapkan of kecap asin.
Here's the marinade ingredients - soy sauce, sesame oil. With thinly sliced beef and sweet onions over a bowl of steaming rice, this Gyudon (牛丼), or "beef bowl" is a mouthwatering Japanese classic that comes together in minutes. Mix ground beef with the marinating ingredients well in a large bowl. There's something magical about a hot, steaming bowl of rice topped with a heap of protein and veggies.
Langkah-langkah memasak Beef Rice Bowl
- Lumuri daging dgn bumbu marinasi, aduk rata. Biarkan minimal 1 jam di kulkas.
- Panaskan minyak tumis bawang bombay hingga harum dan layu masukkan daging yg sudah dimarinasi. Aduk hingga berubah warna Masukkan bawang putih, aduk rata Tuang air, bumbui dgn garam, gula dan merica. Besarkan api, masak sebentar aja hingga matang dan empuk.
- Tes rasa, bila sudah sesuai selera, Angkat, segera sajikan di atas nasi, taburi wijen sangrai.
A flavor-packed Thai beef rice bowl with bok choy and a freid egg on top. This Cantonese ground beef rice and eggs post is sponsored by Pete and Gerry's Organic Eggs. The Cantonese ground beef and egg bowl is somewhere between Shakshuka and shepherd's pie. Bowl of bibimbap on the wooden table. Asian food cooking - rice noodles with beef steak and mango chili sauce ingredients on white table background.